Thursday, September 16, 2010

To audition or not to audition?

The biggest local company that does G&S just announced that they're holding auditions next week for an October production of The Pirates of Penzance. I'm tempted to try out for Ruth again, given the progress I feel I've made with my voice lessons. It would be fun to play her again, especially as I'd be doing it on a real stage with a pit orchestra. And because this company works on a higher level than the one I did Pirates with last time, it would be quite a coup. Problem is, I don't have much time between now and the auditions, and I can't really practice at full voice with Dad around - singing at that range would play havoc with his hearing aids. I'll have to bounce this idea off a few people (the Chief, my voice teacher, a coupla theater friends), sleep on it a night or two.

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