Monday, May 22, 2006

Somebody's got a big new toy!

The Chief stayed home from work this morning to await delivery of a table saw, a purchase he's been researching and dreaming about for at least the past year. He ordered it online a week or two ago, and today was the big day. There's now a huge box near the kitchen door, waiting for him to open it up and tear into it (and figure out how the heck he's gonna get that big, heavy thing down the basement stairs!). Not sure what he's going to pick as the maiden venture for this thing, but I do know he's gonna have a lot of fun with it.

My toys are smaller; the biggest one is an electronic keyboard, which probably doesn't weigh much more than the dolly needed to transport the new table saw. But that's OK. If he's happily building stuff with all his power tools, maybe he won't notice when I go off to rehearsal. ;)

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