Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another audition behind me

Auditioned for a production of The Mikado tonight. I wasn't too sure of myself going in, both because today was my first voice lesson in nearly 2 months and because I'd battled another migraine earlier in the day, which rather wore me out and it never helps to audition tired. Oh well, no choice in the matter, since this was the last night of auditions.

In the little space on the audition form where you tell them what role(s) you'd like, I entered both Katisha ("an elderly lady" of the Mikado's court) and Pitti-Sing, one of the Three Little Maids from School. Given that I was the only auditioner in the room tonight who was obviously out of college, I hope the directors have a good chuckle over my requesting Pitti.

My singing didn't start out as well as I would have liked, but I think I finished pretty well, and they didn't ask me to do any vocalises, as they did some of the others auditioning. When it was my turn to read, I got to do the scene where Ko-Ko tries to persuade Katisha that he's in love with her. Great fun - the company's artistic director read Ko-Ko with great relish and I had a blast reading a thoroughly histrionic Katisha.

I don't know who auditioned last night, and I only heard two other women sing, but I think I held my own. No dance audition, but I had fun reading, so not a bad night. Now the waiting - I do hope they contact me even if I'm not cast.

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紅燒魚takesi said...
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