Sunday, March 22, 2009

Plans and ramblings

Oh, lots of things coming up - prepping for Gondoliers auditions, pencilling the Follies dates into my calendar, trying to get to other people's shows, determining which work training I absolutely have to do and what can wait (so that I'm actually at my desk more than two weeks at a stretch).

I'm finding that the harder I work to prep for an audition, the more I get my hopes up even when I know how long the odds are against me. If I go in not caring, it's not a big deal when I'm not cast; if part of me thinks that I should get it because I've worked so hard that I must be a better singer, I tend to take it personally. The paradox, of course, is that if I don't work on it, then of course I won't be as good as if I do. Maybe my prep needs to include a little psych session on myself. :D

And of course there are the Holy Week services, starting with Palm Sunday (April 5th this year). Only once have I ever sung all of them - between rehearsals and services, it was like tech week without the sets & costumes. It was certainly exhausting, but singing all that music was exhilarating. I'll have to play it by ear and see how I feel, and how many of the services the Chief might be willing to attend.

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