Monday, February 02, 2009

Getting smarter, I hope

As part of taking my new job, I had a 3-day class last week and started a 5-day one today. Both involve long (30+ miles) commutes, but last week's was well worth it. I'm hoping this week's will be similarly worthwhile.

Last week was weird; we'd had snow Tuesday morning, with sleet and freezing rain forecast for the evening and through the night. I ended up spending the night in a nearby hotel rather than risk the drive home on icy roads with an unknown number of drivers who either don't know how to drive in that kinda weather or just freak out. Wasn't how I'd have chosen to spend the evening, but it was the right choice.

And now they're talking about snow tomorrow. Much as I'd love to have a snow day, I don't want it this week because it would mess up the class schedule. If the weather wants to give us a snow day next week, however...

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