Sunday, February 04, 2007


After the euphoria of learning I'd been called back for Widow subsided, I realized I had a problem. Because Widow closes just 2 weeks before Birdie opens, I'd have great chunks of time when I'd be unavailable for Birdie rehearsals. Part of me wants to do everything - think kid in a candy store with a fatter-than-usual allowance. On the other hand, I can only imagine how frazzled I'd get if I'm in rehearsal for two shows at once, especially since I've agreed to design costumes for yet a third show. And as if that weren't enough, things at work are about to get busier, or so we're told, which could mean much longer days.

I e-mailed the Birdie director Friday night, offering him the chance to say that no, I can't have my cake and eat it too (i.e., do both Widow and Birdie) but haven't heard back from him yet. However, the more I think about it, the more I think that, in the interest of preserving what little sanity remains to me, I'd better tell the Widow company that, while I very much appreciate being called back and would dearly love to do the show with them, I'd better not. (That will certainly improve the odds for the other 4 women called back for the 3 "wife" roles; they should be happy with my decision.)

1 comment:

blueblanket said...

I know the feeling! I've just had to turn down one role (and still haven't heard back from the director) and I feel awful about it. But, such that it is, I can't do it all. Same thing -- work, several shows, something's gotta give.