Monday, March 23, 2015

Slow, incremental progress on the college application front

Today I got an email from the U School of Music (SoM) responding to all my questions about the audition pieces.  That  information and a few music books (one each of arias, oratorios and chansons) will go with me to tomorrow's music lesson.  We might not get a lot of singing done, but identifying audition candidates is every bit as important right now.  Once we have the finalists, then we can start working them into shape for my audition recording.

I left a voice mail asking about scheduling a SoM visit and also put it in my response to the SoM's email about audition selections.  I noted I'd like to schedule something soon and listed several dates, starting this Thursday.  Me, eager?  Whatever gave you that impression?!? :D

Ideally, I'll be able to schedule the Music and Theater visits for the same day so I'll only have to take one day off work.  (I can't bear to wait until after my May 1st retirement date.)

I just sent off requests for letters of recommendation:  one to a favorite director, for the Undergraduate Admissions folks; the other to K,  a former voice teacher and another favorite director, for the SoM.  K responded immediately with an "Absolutely!"  I'll ask my current voice teacher, C, to write the second SoM letter; C and K would be my "dream team", as one can give the current state of vocal affairs, while the other can address how I've grown vocally in the 15+ years since I first started taking with her.

The one thing tempering my enthusiasm is the language used to describe the application requirements.  It sounds a bit intimidating:

All undergraduate applicants should submit a repertoire list, showing the most significant solo repertoire you have studied for your primary instrument or voice. Please include technical studies where appropriate (Include both title and composer.)  From memory: Two contrasting songs chosen from solo vocal literature (songs or arias of composers such as Gluck, Handel, Purcell, Mozart, Schubert, Faure, Barber, or Rorem). Musical theater songs or self-accompanied “pop” songs are not acceptable for the prescreen recording or a live audition.
Bouncing with excitement - now if only the SoM would reopen the online application for Fall 2016 so I can get started... :D

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