Thursday, March 19, 2015

Going back to SCHOOL!!!!

I'm getting really excited about this fall.  I've missed the application deadline for the university, so I've already applied to the community college.  This week, the plan is to do my first year at CC (cheaper, and I don't have to wait until next year), then transfer to "uni", as they call it in the UK.  

I want to double-major in Music and Theater.  U's School of Music application deadline is Nov. 1st.  That gives me a good 6 months to choose and polish two audition pieces, record them, and send in my pre-screen audition recording with the rest of my application materials.  I should find out in December whether they'll let me do a live audition in January.  It won't be until February or March of next year that I find out whether U will support my double-major plan, or make me settle for a BA in Theater and an AA in Music.

U is on spring break this week, so I have to wait until Monday before I can call them to schedule a tour and a meeting with an advisor from the Music School.  I'm hoping to be able to schedule something similar with the Theater Dept. the same day.  This weekend I want to figure out CC's in-house email system so I can arrange to see an advisor about the Fall and my grand plan.  

Oh, and I have to figure out how to open the transcript my first U sent me.  Right now it's just sitting there, saying "Your Adobe reader isn't good enough for something as important as I am."  I'm not too worried yet; CC has already waived all the gen.ed. requirements for me, so I can get straight to meaty stuff like Intro to Stage Make-Up and Movement for Actors.  (This CC's Music offerings aren't nearly as enticing as those in the Theater Dept.)

This is so exciting - I'm really looking forward to sinking my teeth into things like Costume Construction, class piano, and Stage Rigging!  I'll even have access to real practice rooms, instead of my library cum sewing room cum storage room cum practice room.

Just imagine - after all these years of theatrical OJT, I'll finally get some actual training! :D

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