Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Very interesting rehearsal

This is my first show with this company, first non-singing chorus (Greek chorus), first tragedy. Last night was another first - we had our first rehearsal with the choreographer who set one of the choral odes in its entirety and most of a second, out of 4. Very interesting when the text is the music. The first one she set has me just standing in one place while everyone else moves around me, with all the movement cued from a word or phrase in the text in lieu of music. I quickly saw that the speaker (the lines are divvied up among the women in the chorus) can help the "dancers" by slowing or speeding up her delivery to accommodate the movement.

So far I have just one bit I'll want to work on: at one point the women fall to the ground. No big deal, except I'll be wearing a skirt and we'll be performing with audience on 3 sides of us. I'll need to find out what kind and length of skirt I'll be wearing so I can practice doing that move without flashing the audience.

The further along we get in this process, the more I like it. It was obvious almost immediately last night why our Director wanted us off book last week, before we started choreography or blocking. Much easier to do without a book in one hand and pencil in the other. Now I understand why our Creon told me he "loves" working with this guy.

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