Wednesday, March 02, 2011

That MLB audition

Spent about half of yesterday's voice lesson working on The Star-Spangled Banner. First thing I realized was that singing it with a chorus at work is NOT the same as doing it solo! You've gotta start low enough that you don't strangle on the high notes at the end, yet not so low that you have little or no volume on the low notes, all while making both the bottom & top registers sound equally full.

Other things I learned I need to work on: some of my vowels are a bit off, I need to keep the energy up from first note to last, plan every single breath, focus the sound. Oh, and I have to tell the story. Yep, this is one tough song to sing - lotsa hard work involved!

I even had a Christina Aguilera moment. My teacher (who also has an audition) was woodshedding a particular phrase with me, then had me go back to the previous phrase to start singing. Starting in the middle like that, I lost track of where I was and either skipped or repeated a phrase; had us both laughing.

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