Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Code Red

"Air quality unhealthy"! If you like breathing hot (near 100 again today), swampy, toxic soup, this is the place to be today. Hearing that, I asked the Chief if he'd do grocery duty for me so I could reduce the time I'd have to spend outside. Fortunately, it was a short list this week so he didn't have to spend too much time on it.

Asthma doesn't control my life, but at times like this, it does dictate what I can and can't do. I had planned a few post-work errands; to minimize my time outside breathing sludge, the only one I actually did was putting gas in the car ($2.96/gallon at Sam's Club, up from $2.92 last week but still cheaper than anywhere else along my usual rounds).

This is the problem with summer - oppressive heat, high humidity (not tropical but still quite wet), and rotten air quality. I guess I should be glad we don't live in, oh, LA, downtown Manhattan, or some heavily industrialized city. Then we'd really be breathing sludge in July and August!

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