Sunday, May 18, 2014

I hope they make it

The Chief and I spent last weekend with my family, as Mother's Day fell on Mom's birthday day this year.  While we were there, Sister3 dug up some of her lilies-of-the-valley for me to bring back.  These are special because Mom had transplanted the originals from her mother's house, so the flowers aren't just from my sister, it's as if they're from Mom and her mom, too.  I finally got them in the ground this afternoon; I hope they do well.  Got my fingers crossed that they'll bloom next year.  (The pips Mom brought me several years ago never did bloom, hung in there for a few years, but finally gave up and died.)

I also started some butternut squash, rudbeckia and gayfeather in "Cowpots".  I knew I wanted to try the squash again this year, but as we told the gentleman helping us at the nursery, last year's attempt produced plenty of flowers but only that one tiny little squash.  He recommended attracting pollinators by planting something butterflies love, suggesting 4 different flowers.  We settled on the rudbeckia (black-eyed susan) and gayfeather.

The rudbeckia sprouted first, but the squash is catching up fast - this morning's tight little sprouts have already opened a few leaves. We're still waiting for the gayfeather to sprout, but my online searches tell me they take anywhere from 20 to 45 days to germinate, so we'll just have to be patient.

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