Monday, March 26, 2007


Spring is getting into full swing here. The buds on the Bradford pears in the neighborhood started opening yesterday, the magnolias are just a day or two short of their peak, the cherry trees are starting to bud, the forsythia is coming out all over town, I had a miniature purple crocus pop its little head up in the driveway today, and the daffodils are coming into their own.

Had a lovely ride to my voice lesson today; in addition to all the flowering trees, seems like a few more medians have been planted w/ daffs. I love this trend, whether at the municipal, county or state level. It certainly lifted my mood today, stopping at one of the longest traffic lights and seeing a bank planted in a sea of yellow. My voice teacher even commented that I looked "sunnier" than last week. I told her it was all the "color coming back into the world". Because the winter gray sets in so gradually, I never fully realize just how much it affects me until the spring flowers start making their riotously colorful appearance.

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