Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Laugh of the Week!

Savoynet, the online Gilbert & Sullivan discussion group, has recently been hotly debating the merits and demerits of "Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes", from The Gondoliers. Many have been deriding some of the similes and metaphors, including a reference to "having crossed the Rubicon". One wag, commenting on the inappropriateness of this reference, noted that:

"Um, yeah, come to think of it, any reference to Julius C. is somewhat out of place in a romantic ballad. He just wasn't that kind of guy. Suetonius tells us that when Caesar celebrated his Gallic triumph, his soldiers sang
Home we bring the bald whoremonger,
Romans lock your wives away!

"Now, that has the makings of a fine light-opera number..."

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