Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Can Pilates make me a better singer?

I started taking Pilates classes at my gym a few months ago.  I'm still a long way from being able to do several of the moves, but my abs are definitely starting to feel stronger, or at least less weak.  I was noticing in my voice lesson today that the technique of breathing really low in the abdomen is getting a little easier; whether it's because my abs are starting to build up or because I'm just more aware of them I couldn't say.  I do know the Pilates is helping my posture; I don't hold myself well automatically yet, but I do catch my bad posture and correct it a lot more often now.  This is good in general but also for singing, because good posture brings the breathing apparatus into optimal alignment, and the better your breathing, the better you'll sing.

Forgive the self-indulgent blather, but the Pilates work and the techniques my voice teacher has me playing with are all experiments in physical self-discovery.  A lot to process, but it's keeping me learning.

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