Tuesday, May 04, 2010

"You have a big mouth"

Good voice lesson today, as I prep for an audition tomorrow for a (paying!) church gig. I'm only auditioning for the list of substitutes (too many ailing out-of-town relatives to make a full-time commitment right now), but it would be quite an accomplishment to make the list. My voice teacher was telling me that there's only so much she can do - I have to practice, and practice enough that I learn to feel when I'm doing things right. She assured me I can sing "inspired" if I just do the work: "You have the voice and the musicality, you have a singer's body and a singer's mouth." When I asked what a singer's body and mouth looked like, she mentioned the size of my ribcage, my cheekbones and "you have a big mouth". She was referring to the size of the resonating cavity, but it was a pretty funny moment as she realized that last comment could conceivably be taken the wrong way. :D

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