Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Scorecard so far

Since August I've auditioned for 5 shows:
  • Urinetown: blew my audition song when the accompanist started before I was quite ready and I let myself get flustered. Not cast.
  • Patience: called back for a lead when all I'd requested was chorus - very encouraging! Ended up in the chorus.
  • Ruddigore: called back for a named chorus part despite having auditioned when I had a cold; ended up in the chorus.
  • Into the Woods #1: called back for a trio of moms, still waiting to hear. (At this point, I'm assuming they've contacted all the leads and are starting on the "thanks but no thanks" calls or e-mails.)
  • Into the Woods #2: not called back; haven't heard anything yet, so I'm assuming I'm not cast.
That's 5 auditions and 3 callbacks - pretty darn good. Obviously I'd be happier if I'd been cast, or been offered something other than chorus, but it's encouraging.

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